One Hour Falconry Experience
Join us for an amazing hour of up close, and hands-on experience
with our wonderful Birds of Prey.
One Hour Falconry Experience
1 Hour Duration
Mixed Group Booking
Private Group Booking
• Adult (18+) $60.00 Youth (8 - 17) and Seniors (65+) $55.00 + taxes
• Adult (18+) $75.00 Youth (8 - 17) and Seniors (65+) $70.00 + taxes
If you are looking for a fun activity for yourself, your workplace, or for a day out with the kids and want to get up close and handle a number of bird of prey species, the One Hour Falconry Experience is for you!
What to Expect
We start your experience with a meet and greet session with our beautiful falcon, talking about how falcons fly and hunt as well as a bit about the history of falconry. After everyone has had a turn holding the falcon and knows what to watch for, we move out to the flying field. There, our falcon demonstrates the amazing ability to chase down and take prey from the air as a true master of the sky.
After that, we are joined by our wonderful hawk in the flying yard, who soars in for unforgettable flights to land gently on your glove! Spend the rest of the session free flying a raptor to and from the glove in and watch the hawk catch a lure right out of the air!
Good things to know about our One Hour Falconry Experience
One Hour Falconry experiences run 6 days a week, from Wednesday to Monday.
Seasonal availability from mid-April to the end of October/early November as weather permits
Payment is due in advance for the One Hour Falconry Experience to reserve your spots on your preferred day.
Maximum open mixed group size of 6 people.
Maximum privately booked group size of 10 individuals. Group discounts are applied to privately booked groups of 7+ participants.
Privately booked programs have an additional $15 cost per person but guarantee the date is for your group alone.
Kids must be ages 8+ to handle and fly a bird of prey. If the child is too short even at age 8+, we reserve the right to ask them to sit out of the program for their safety. Please contact us in advance if you have concerns.
Spectators and children under 8 are welcome at a fee of $15 per person. Please note any spectators you wish to book in the "Other Information" section of the form. Spectators do not count toward the maximum group size. Each participant may bring a maximum of 1 spectator to mixed group programs and 2 spectators to private group programs.
Photos and questions are welcome through the entire session.
Due to their outdoor nature, our experiences are weather dependent. We will contact you in the evening prior to your experience day to notify you of the possibility of rescheduling to your back-up date.
Wear clothing suitable to the weather on the day of your experience as we are outdoors. Bug spray and sunscreen are highly recommended through the summer months.
Please note, we have a booking and cancellation policy.
Book Your One Hour Falconry Experience
Please see the calendar below this form for available dates and times.