Bird of Prey
School Programs
Engage and enrich your students' learning by joining us for an educational session with our birds of prey while seeing them up close and personal!
School Programs
1 Hour Duration • Price Breakdown Below
Whether you are looking for a fun and informative activity to round off a subject, or a more tailored educational experience, we can help! We offer a wide range of scientific topics and encourage an interest in nature, wildlife and conservation!
What to Expect
We can host your class at the farm's flying field, or let us bring the birds to you! Our subjects of discussion can be tailored to match your lesson plans and level of learning. We keep our session informative and fun to engage the students and further their interest in our environment and wildlife. Topics can include general information on birds of prey, how birds fly, their place in the food chain, and conservation and habitat protection. Alternatively, we can discuss our wildlife ambassadors and their local wild cousins.
Free flight displays are seasonally available at the farm's flying field.
For off-site programs, we will hold the birds and bring them around the room for the students to see our birds of prey up close and personal. Sessions booked from May to October may include flying depending on space safety, time of year and weather conditions.
With COVID-19 still in our community, we are offering virtual Zoom or Google Meet educational programs. We handle the birds before the camera so the students can see them, and strive to make the session as interactive as possible.
Good things to know about our Bird of Prey School Programs
School Programs run 5 days a week, from Monday to Friday.
Your students will get to meet three of our wonderful birds of prey: a hawk, a falcon and an owl!
Cheques are accepted on the day of the educational session, made out to Emily Wrenshall, as well as E-transfer and Credit Card invoices. Please let us know which your school prefers upon booking.
Our pricing is set for a single class with an extra class fee available
We make sure there is time is set aside to answer questions about the birds between species or at the end.
If the weather is very poor on the day of the farm visit educational session, we will contact you to reschedule your session.
Please note, we have a booking and cancellation policy.
Bird of Prey School Program Fee
One Hour In Class Educational Program
For One Class (approximately 30 students): $200.00 + kilometer fee* + taxes
+ $50 for each additional class joining the program (approximately 30 students).
Please note: there is a maximum of 90 students (three classes) that can join in one program booking.
One Hour Farm Visit Educational Program
For One Class (approximately 30 students): $200.00 + taxes
Please note, this option can only accommodate one class, including teachers and supervisors.
One Hour Virtual Program
For One Class (approximately 30 students): $150.00 + taxes
+ $40 for each additional class joining the program (approximately 30 students).
School Program Additions
Additional Half Hour: $50.00
Hands-On Educational Tables (adds 30 minutes): $50.00
* kilometer fee of $0.65/km round trip (as recommended by Government of Canada mileage rates) is applied to offsite programs
Teachers are encouraged to speak with other teachers at their school to book an entire day with Talon and Bark.
This shares the kilometer fee and a 10% discount is given for each program when booking multiple One Hour In Class Programs!